
Refund Policy

Last updated: March 27 2024

At Encreators, we strive to offer quality services related to YouTube Automation. However, we understand that there may be exceptional circumstances where a refund is sought. This policy outlines the conditions under which refunds may be granted

Eligibility for Refund

1. Service Issues: Refunds may be considered if the service provided did not meet the specifications as outlined at the time of purchase. Clients must provide a detailed explanation of the discrepancy and evidence that the service was not as promised.
2. Time Frame: Requests for refunds must be made within 3 days of the original purchase date.
3. Non-Refundable Services: Certain services, such as personalized consultations, may be non-refundable as stated at the time of purchase
Process for Requesting a Refund
To request a refund, clients must contact Encreators at mediamanager@encreators.info with their order details and a comprehensive reason for the request. Each case will be reviewed by our team, and decisions on refunds will be made at our discretion.

Refund Method

Approved refunds will be processed to the original payment method used at the time of purchase within business days

Final Decision

All refund decisions by Encreators are final. We reserve the right to modify this refund policy at our discretion without prior notice.

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